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可持续性 is an integrated part of Saab’s strategy to drive value for customers, 合作伙伴, 员工, 业主和整个社会. Contributing to safe and resilient societies in light of increased instability in the world, Saab is committed to maximising the positive impact on sustainability from its operations while ensuring that research, 创新和技术有助于实现可持续发展. Our commitment to society is at the core of Saab and sustainability is the very basis for the company’s long-term development and growth. 和平, security and stability are prerequisites to ensure that we together reach all the UN Sustainable Development Goals.



Even if the media focus is on other issues right now – climate change is not taking a break and combating it must remain at the top of everyone's list of priorities. 近年来, the defence industry has also recognised that the growing challenges can only be met in the long term with sustainable solutions. There is still a lot to do along the way, but experts are optimistic about the future. 气候变化使战场上的威胁成倍增加. 除此之外, 气候变化导致更多的恶劣天气事件, 更高的温度, 沙尘暴和更高的湿度. 所有 these factors have an impact on the functionality and physical condition of weapon systems and military equipment.


今天已经, Saab is differentiated by the fact that the company’s products use resources efficiently throughout their entire life cycle. Saab’s Climate Impact Portfolio categorises products and services that can help contribute to more sustainable operations and reduce climate impact. To continuously increase and improve its environmentally sustainable offering, Saab has established the Saab Climate Fund which supports sustainable innovations throughout the company.

Climate change, pollution, injustice and corruption threaten societies across the globe. 上升的二氧化碳2 大气中的水平会造成危险的影响,比如干旱, 洪水, 飓风, 森林火灾和海平面上升. 这就导致了灾难, often pushing people to the point that they have to leave their homes and land to survive. Subsequently, such migration often leads to tensions in which stability of regions are at stake.



Our commitment to society is at the core of Saab and sustainability is the very basis for the company’s long-term development and growth. 和平, security and stability are prerequisites to ensure that we together reach all the UN Sustainable Development Goals.


When focusing on climate change, two things stand out regarding what companies can do. 首先是帮助社会适应气候变化, 比如如何应对水资源短缺, 风暴, 海平面上升和干燥的风. Companies can play an important role by developing new products and implementing solutions for this. The second is that companies can contribute to keeping global warming limited to 1.5 degree, by reducing their own greenhouse gas emissions, most notably CO2 and that of their suppliers and the users of their products and services.


Various organizations have plans to contribute to reduce their emissions to zero. For the defence sector this is a major challenge as it must be assumed that opponents of NATO and EU will keep on using fossil fuel in their current and future weapon systems. Therefore, fossil fuel will in certain cases still be required, also on the longer term. That is why the defence sector can only commit to net zero emissions, meaning compensation will have to be provided for emissions that cannot be avoided because of security reasons.


超过20%的营业额专门用于R&D, Saab develops innovative and sustainable solutions that contribute to reducing the environmental footprint of the operations of the armed forces it equips. 有各种各样的倡议和研究, Saab improves its products with the aim of reducing their environmental footprint and ensuring greater operational comfort and sustainability in terms of energy dependency.

Our commitment to society is at the core of Saab and sustainability is the very basis for the company’s long-term development and growth. 和平, security and stability are prerequisites to ensure that we together reach all the UN Sustainable Development Goals. In a world where threats against societies are growing increasingly diverse, 气候变化带来了新的不稳定, Saab contributes to defence and security capabilities as a trusted partner in Sweden and many other countries.

As a defence company in a political and government dominated market, 十大正规博彩网站排名必须确保最高的道德标准. Saab’s anti-corruption programme is a foundation in our strategy for sustainable growth and profitability. Saab’s commitment to Race to Zero is another important step to address the broader sustainability challenge.